Formulate an international strategy for square solar

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Reference no: EM133104011 , Length: word count:1000

Question: Square solar is a real client. The company has not started selling their product, but you can pre-order as you can see in their website. They sell DIY modular solar panels. The company manufacturing unit is in China and in south Asia (as per Facebook).

There is no physical store in Canada and people can only order the products online. More details can be found on their website, Facebook page and LinkedIn.

You need to formulate an international strategy for square solar inc.

As this is a start-up company, there is not much information. So, you can use academic references to support any fact and you can also compare them with their competitors and suggest what they can do to be successful like their rivalries.

Please write about 1000 words. No introduction or conclusion required as this is a part of big project.

Reference no: EM133104011

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