Formulate a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM131262123


The final project referenced is part of the VA Hospital 2001-2005 spreadsheet (see attached), where our instructions are to:

Next, calculate the mean for each of the variables below for the year 2001:

•Total Operating Expense

•Net Charity Care


•Payroll Expenses

•Bad Debt Expenses

•Staffed Beds


•Medicare Days

•Medicaid Days

•Total Surgeries

•Outpatient Visits

•Emergency Visits

*Occupancy must be calculated as Patient Days/(Licensed Beds X 365).

Then, calculate the mean for the same set of variables for the year 2005.

Finally, compute the changes between the two sets of means (for 2001 and 2005) and test for significant differences using a comparison of means test.

Note: Your version of Microsoft Excel may differ, but many students will be able to do this test by clicking on Tools, Data Analysis, t-Test Paired Two Sample for Means.

Once you have performed all of the above tasks, use the resultant data to complete the written analysis portion of this assignment, for which you will need to submit the following:

•A Microsoft Excel table that shows the calculated values for each year and the differences in means.

•A Microsoft Word document that includes:

•A paragraph that summarizes these changes and reports the statistical significance of the differences between 2001 and 2005 for each of the above variables. (Indicate significance or no significance both in the Microsoft Excel table and in this paragraph.)

•A one-half to 1 page that addresses the following: What can you conclude about the data? What are some implications for health care professionals regarding the performance of hospitals in this state in the period from 2001 through 2005? Provide your rationale.

Research Hypothesis

The research hypothesis is a vitally important element of any quantitative research study. This Discussion provides an opportunity for you to develop your own testable hypothesis based on the data set for the Final Project.

To prepare for this Discussion, review this week's Learning Resources. Then, look at the data set for the Final Project (provided in this week's Final Project, Part I) and engage in the following steps:

Develop a research question based on the variables in the data set.

Is there a significant difference between the mean total operating expenses among VA Hospitals in 2001 and 2005

•Formulate a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis.

•Consider the difference between a Type I error and a Type II error and think about how each of these might be demonstrated in this situation.

•Research what is meant by a "familywise error" and consider whether or not this type of error might be of concern in this situation.

In statistics, familywise error rate (FWER) is the probability of making one or more false discoveries, or type I errors, among all the hypotheses when performing multiple hypotheses tests

Post a comprehensive response to the following:

•Based on the data set for the Final Project, describe your research question.

The research question:

"Is there a significant difference between the mean total operating expenses among VA Hospitals in 2001 and 2005" is an quantitative statistical method of determining if there is a difference between the paired samples between the VA Hospitals from 2001 to 2005, thus we are going to use simple inferential statistical technique using t test for paired samples.

Since almost all the results are statistically significant (has p values less than 0.05) then we can therefore say and this suggest that there is a good trend for health care professionals as can be shown in the significant decrease in the expenses among Virginia Hospital Database for 2001 to 2005 in the 13 variables shown on the table above.

Reference no: EM131262123

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