Formulas for this problem among with a detailed explanation

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM1333027

How a bank could lose on a transaction

Please include in your response, the formulas for this problem, along with a detailed explanation of how it is solved, and your rationale for reaching your conclusions.

You are the Vice President of Finance for Daniel's Resources, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. In January 2002, your firm's Canadian subsidiary obtained a 6-month loan of 100,000 Canadian dollars from a bank in Tuscon, to finance the acquisition of a titanium mine in Quebec province. The loan will be repaid in Canadian dollars. At the time when Daniel's Resources obtained the loan, the spot exchange rate was USD $0.6580/$1 Canadian dollar and the currency was selling at a discount in the forward market. The June 2002 contract (face value = $100,000 USD per contract) was quoted at USD $0.6520/$1 Canadian dollar.

A) Explain how the Tuscon bank could lose on this transaction assuming no hedging.

B) If the bank does hedge with the forward contract, what is the maximum amount it can lose?


Reference no: EM1333027

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