Formulae to calculate their center point

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13762404

(1) Given n points in the 3D space (xo, yo, zo), (x1, y1, z1), (xn-1,yn-1, zn-i), we use the following formulae to calculate their center point (xc, yc, zc)

xc=(x0+x1 + xn-1)/n
ye= (y0+ y1 + ••• Yn-1)/ n
zc= (Zo + Z1+ ••• Zn-1)/ n

Create an assembly program to implement the above formulae. The data segment of your program should look like the following.


n:      .word 7

x:      .word 30, 12, 45, 34, 40, 14, 30

y:     .word 32, 10, 39, 89, 24, 12, 67

z:      .word 42, 20, 76, 23, 23, 65, 15

xc:    .space 4

yc:    .space 4

zc:    .space 4


# This example has 7 points

# xo, xi, • • • Xn-I

# y0, y1, • • • yn-1

# z0, zi, • • • zn-1

# a word result

# a word result

# a word result

xc, yc, and zc are all integers. Ignore the remainders if there are any.

Please name your program xxxx.asm, where xxxx is the last four digits of your ID and e¬mail xxxx.asm to me. In your e-mail, just write Question 1 in the title and attach xxxx.asm to it.

Also in order to help comment on your program, please submit a hardcopy of your source code for this question. When the marker checks it, s/he will make comments on your hardcopy

Reference no: EM13762404

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