Formula translation

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131741

Problem 1:  In a town, the percentage of men is 52.The percentage of total literacy is 48. If total percentage of literate men  is 35 of the total population, write a program to search the total number of illiterate women and men if the population of town is 80,000.

Problem 2:  When Cheryl Harrison began her trip from Newyork to Wyoming; she filled her car's tank with gas and reset its trip meter to zero. After traveling 324 miles, Cheryl stopped at a gas station to refuel; the gas tank needed 17 gallons. Cheryl wants a program that evaluates and displays her car's gas mileage at any time during the trip. The gas mileage is the number of miles her car was driven per gallon of  gas. Write a code that can implement

Problem 3: The manager of the Lakeview Hotel needs a program that evaluates and displays a guest's total bill. Each guest pays a room charge that is based on a per-night rate. For illustration if the per night rate is $100 and the guest stays two nights, the room charge is $200.Customer also can incur a one-time room service charge and a one-time telephone charge.

Problem 4:  Write a c code that will evaluate the roots of a quadratic equation                 

Hint: d = sqrt (b2-4ac), and the roots are:  x1 = (-b + d)/2a   and x2 = (-b - d)/2a

Problem 5: Area of a trapezoid can be calculated by the subsequent formula:

A = (b1+b2) x h/2

where b1 and b2 are the parallel sides or the bases and h is length of height Write a C-language code to calculate area of a trapezoid using above method. Take required inputs from the user and display the area that your code calculates.

Reference no: EM131741

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