Reference no: EM133044084
(a) Read the brief vignette below to answer the questions below
You are the HR Director of hotel XYZ. Turnover and absenteeism have been high among junior front line staff and customer care is at an all-time low. You know that they are paid competitively, adding to your surprise about the low morale among front line staff.
Your interviews reveal that the front line staff themselves feel otherwise. "I am bored with my job and the work is repetitive," one junior front line staff tells you. Another adds that many do not know their roles and job scope as a front line staff and do not receive adequate feedback. Further investigation reveals that front line staff are generally not empowered; have to endure long work hours and inflexible work scheduling. Some are quitting so that they can take less demanding positions in other companies.
(i) Explain job satisfaction, and describe THREE (3) possible causes of high turnover among junior front line staff using the Job Characteristic Model.
(ii) Using the same theory above, propose THREE (3) recommendations that can help to enhance the satisfaction of the junior front line staff.
(b) Read the brief vignette below to answer the questions below
You are the district manager of a chain of 24-hour convenience stores. In the last month, you notice a decrease in sales and increase in counterproductive work behaviours, e.g. reporting to work late, early closing and loafing. These behaviours are unusual and you suspect that employees may be reacting adversely to a recent change in the company's pay policy. Before the policy change, employees are paid incentive bonuses if their stores hit certain sales targets and are paid overtime if they have to work late. With the new policy, all employees across different stores are paid a flat salary regardless of their store performance or working hours. This has resulted in a lower take home pay for many employees. The new pay policy was implemented by the new HR Director with no consultation in a bid to equalise pay among employees.
(i) Differentiate THREE (3) forms of organisational justice. Examine TWO (2) forms of justice that appears to have been violated by the new pay policy.
(ii) Applying the Equity Theory of Motivation, discuss why employees are demonstrating the behaviours observed.