Reference no: EM133813734
Facts: A former flight attendant brought action against her employer, Southwest Airlines, as well as the transport workers union, alleging violations of the Railway Labor Act, the United States Constitution, and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. The claims arose from the attendant's termination by the airline for violations of the airline's policies related to social media, harassment, and bullying after the attendant shared her religious beliefs on a social media page and with the union president.
In this case, the employee made numerous posts in a Facebook group open to all Southwest flight attendants expressing her disagreement with union leadership and policies, alluding to "corruption" within the union. The employee also posted numerous times on Facebook to express her opposition to the union participating in the Women's March, and sent private messages to the union leader, including a video of an aborted fetus. The employee claimed that her "sincere religious beliefs require her to share with others that abortion is the taking of a human life."
After a fact-finding meeting, Southwest sent the employee a letter informing her that it was terminating her employment effective March 16, 2017: "Southwest's letter also stated that when [the employee] posted the videos and pictures on Facebook, she was identifiable as a Southwest Airlines Employee and represented the [C]ompany in a manner that is disparaging to Southwest Flight Attendants as well as to all Southwest Employees."
Issue: Did Southwest Airlines infringe on their former employee's rights, or fail to accommodate her religious beliefs, by terminating her employment?