Reference no: EM131038369
Produce a formal research paper for their particular "room." This is much like a museum catalog paper or chapter providing a specific research argument about the exhibition to add to a catalogue (I suggest that you look at a recent museum exhibition catalogue for writing samples). These individual research papers must form specific arguments connecting the choice of artworks to the theme utilizing academic research to support all arguments made. The research paper also stands alone from the exhibition allowing the exhibition to emphasize the points developed in the paper but without direct reference between the two elements.
The paper should begin with an introduction to the theme being considered and rationale for selecting works. A strong thesis statement will lead the paper into discussing works of art, analyzing them in connection with the theme that you have chosen comparing, contrasting, and supporting your argument. The paper must then include a conclusion and must have proper citations throughout in MLA format.
The paper should be between 5-7 pages. This paper may be incorporated into the exhibition, but you must consider the method of delivery as 5-7 pages of text is unlikely to be read by the average museum-goer.
This is an argumentative paper under the umbrella of your group's theme. The concept is a funneling down to a narrow theme about a topic (the topic that your group had chosen).
Example: Your group chooses Religion. Your room might be devoted to the Mesopotamian Period. You would then compile artifacts that discuss the topic of religion and demonstrate unique aspects of that relgion and culture through their formal characteristics relating to the context.
Section headers are unnecessary for such a short paper. Section headers also force you to write about each piece independent of the others and not in conversation with them in the context of the "room" that they will be displayed in in the show. The paper is your chance to compare and contrast these artifacts and to support your argument. Leave the separate informational listing of artifacts to your presentation where each image may end up being viewed independently.
Images in-text are distracting, especially when I make some comments and it quickly ruins all the work you did to put the images where you thought the text flowed. Place the images at the end with a full MLA caption and reference to them parenthetically in-text (Figure #).
Why do students include spaces between paragraphs or no indenting to the first line of a paragraph?! These are writing issues that I shouldn't have to cover in art history and take time away from my commenting on your content. I will honestly say that I am less a stickler for length than I am for depth of answer.
Write as if I am a blind man. Describe the pieces and don't assume anything of me. For instance, "You will see..." The more formal detail you can describe, the richer the paper and the more connections you might find to support your argument or connect formally with the theme or context.
Research: Make sure you get beyond the encyclopedic resources and that there are authors attributed to the work
Chose Ancient Greek Olympics as our topic.
We have a thesis, somewhat, which you can use or you can use one of your own. Ours is this ---
"Since 1896, the year the Olympics were resurrected from ancient history, the Olympics have been a symbol of the camaraderie and harmony possible on a global scale. The competition of the nations in these events represents the age old competitive spirit of man. The need for people to take pride in something larger than themselves and feel as if they are part of a greater good. Olympic Games were held throughout Ancient Greece and focused on pleasing there gods through the Olympics for Zeus and the festivals to honor gods such as Dionysus during the city Dionysus festival. The Olympics, today as well as 3,000 years ago, offers a non-combative environment to do so."
The 6 artifacts in our ' room' are as follows:
1. greek wrestlers (ca. 200s BC, now in Uffizi, Florence)
2. Victorious Athlete The Vaison Daidoumenos Hadrianic version of 5th century BC Greek original Winning at the ancient Games
3. The Diskobolos or Discus Thrower, 2nd century CE. Roman copy of a 450-440 BCE
4. Heraria Spartan Runner Girl Victress
5 and 6. Pankration and Greek winner
Attachment:- greek_ancient.rar
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