Reference no: EM133142730 , Length: word count: 3000 words
Forensic Accounting Applications Assignment -
Task Details - Deterring, detecting and investigating financial statement fraud: A critical appraisal
On a number of occasions over the last few decades, major companies across the World have experienced financial statement fraud, resulting in disturbance in the stock markets, loss of shareholder value, and sometimes the bankruptcy of the company concerned. Briefly discuss why financial statement fraud is seen to be such a major problem and how it is allowed to happen.
The main part of your essay should be a discussion of how such fraud can be detected and investigated and you should highlight any issues which may arise in such an investigation. In addition, critically evaluate how financial statement fraud could be prevented by considering the specific controls and policies that an organisation should put in place, ensuring that you critically evaluate the controls themselves.
Do NOT focus on just the technical aspects. You will be expected to refer to practical applications of the points you make as it is often the analysis of the impact that can matter the most.
In order to help you with the successful completion of the coursework, a one to one session with the module tutor will be provided in order to discuss your approach towards completing the task. The one to one sessions will be set up by agreement with the tutor.
Module Assessment Requirements -
To achieve a pass, you will need to meet the criteria specified in the assessment criteria grid. There is a single mark for the module. Up to 3 marks credited for each cogently explained relevant point, with overall award in line with the module assessment criteria grid. In addition, by way of further explanation, your submission will be expected to demonstrate the following qualities in order to achieve a good mark:
1. Answering the central focus of the assignment topic.
2. A critical appreciation of relevant literature and its use to support argument, substantiate model(s) and other aspects of the assignment.
3. A clear listing of references and/or bibliography.
4. Ability to analyse relevant theoretical concepts in a critical manner, evaluation of material, indication of gaps in the literature.
5. Logical flow of ideas and treatment; imaginative approaches; appropriate selection of real world factors related to the model(s) or specific assignment topic.
6. Ability to analyse material from a variety of appropriate relevant perspectives.
7. Presentation, structure, appropriateness of methodology, breaking into section headings/subheadings, tidiness.
8. A strong conclusion.
Forensic Accounting Applications - This is critical essay based on your thoughts and ideas.
1.0 Introduction (Set the scene)
-Briefly discuss why financial statement fraud is seen to be such a major problem and how it is allowed to happen
-Use of statistics / some examples of cases. Just name drop case, no need to explain it.
2.0 Body - Deter, detect and investigate financial statement fraud:critical appraisal
-Detection of financial statement fraud - How and who(forensic accountant)?
-Investigation of financial statement fraud- how, who, issues
-Prevention of financial statement fraud
3.0 Key Recommendations &Conclusion
-Summarise key points, opinions & recommendations
-Key takeaway messages made throughout the essay