Foreign exchange markets

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM13508321

1) Complete a document that briefly details the major events that you have identified have occurred in the foreign exchange markets and the Australian and international economy.

Likely sources of information are the financial pages of newspapers and financial news websites. You are not required to separately reference the source of each journal entry but you must provide a reference list at the end of your journal citing the sources that you have used for your journal entries.

And some examples of major events include:

US Federal Reserve increases interest rates by 0.25%.

USD/AUD exchange rate falls from USD/AUD 0.91 to USD/AUD 0.87.

BHP announces the recent fall in the USD/AUD exchange rate will increase the AUD value of its exports by 10%.

Pacific Gen Ltd announces the completion of a USD500 million 10-year 8.7% semi-annual coupon euro- bond issue.

It should be approximately 1000 words but quality ovr quantity. Please get back to me with a quote etc.

Reference no: EM13508321

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Foreign exchange markets : Foreign exchange markets and the Australian and international economy - the financial pages of newspapers and financial news websites. You are not required to separately reference the source of each journal entry
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