Foreign direct investment or role in indian economic revival

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13666953 , Length: 3600 Words

Research article of 3000 words or more. excluding bibliography and referencing and any other relevant data sheet.
Topic should be related to development economics or Indian can be empirical or based on latest topic...
The topic is choosen :- Foreign direct investment and its role in indias economic revival.
Writer has the option to choose any topic for research
Article must have
Economic theory
Research methodology
Data analysis

Reference no: EM13666953

Questions Cloud

The two headlights of approaching automobile : The two headlights of an approaching automobile are 1.3 m apart. At what (a) angular separation and (b) maximum distance will the eye resolve them? Suppose that the pupil diameter is 5.0 mm, and utilize a wavelength of 514 nm for the light.
An astronaut is being tested in a centrifuge : An astronaut is being tested in a centrifuge. The centrifuge has a radius of 10 m and, in starting, rotates according to θ = 0.30t2, where t is in seconds and θ is in radians.
Water flows steadily from open tank-calculate discharge rate : Water flows steadily from an open tank as shown in the figure. The elevation of point 1 is 10.0 meters, and the elevation of points 2 and 3 is 2.00 meters. The cross-sectional area at point 2 is 0.0480 square meters; at point 3, where the water is di..
Human sexuality in a world of diversity : Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity
Foreign direct investment or role in indian economic revival : The topic is choosen :- Foreign direct investment and its role in indias economic revival.
What was the average angular velocity : Starting from rest, a disk rotates about its central axis with constant angular acceleration. In 3.0 s, it rotates 30 rad. What was the average angular velocity? What was the angular acceleration through this time?
How fast is the electron moving : In the ground state of hydrogen, the uncertainty in the position of the electron is roughly 0.10 nm. If the speed of the electron is on the order of the uncertainty in the speed, how fast is the electron moving?
The size of the nucleus in rutherfords model of the atom : The "size" of the nucleus in Rutherford's model of the atom is about 1.0 fm = 1.0 X10-15 m. Decide the repulsive electrostatic force among two protons separated by this distance. Decide (in MeV) the electrostatic potential energy of the pair of proto..
A block is hung by a string from the inside roof of a van : A block is hung by a string from the inside roof of a van. When the van goes straight ahead at a speed of 20 m/s, the block hangs vertically down. However when the van maintains this same speed around an unbanked curve (radius = 180 m), the block swi..


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