Reference no: EM131873330
Forecasting the revenue for a possible Annexation into the City of Houston.
The Meadows NIH is Municipal Utility District not within the City. However, most of its households work in the City of Houston and use a city road about one mile long to connect to City Jobs and amenities. The Meadows NIH currently uses City water and sewer. The Meadows has three square miles of undeveloped {1 square mile = 640 acres] (State law will permit a complete annexation) [Also, state law requires any existing debt in the Meadows are paid in full before completing annexation.] From a budgetary standpoint what are the pros and cons of annexing the Meadows.
Population 3360
Average Household size 2.8
Number of households 1200
Average lot size 8500 square feet
Density 4 houses per acre.
Average Household Income $58,000.00
Mean House Price $174,000.00
70% of households own their own home.
The 30% of Households that rent live in 5 major apartment living communities. Rents are about $1200 for a One bedroom to $2400 for a 3 bedroom.
This question is a narrative with some calculations if you think needed.
Please answer the question from one of the three positions:
Planning Director of Houston with responsibility to propose annexation.
City Council member two districts and about 40 miles from the Meadows.
The Meadows Manager can either support or speak against the annexation but does not have a real choice. Please realize the motivations may be different.