
Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132878500


Select a product that you can purchase at a grocery store or at a discount retailer and respond to the following:

Identify the factors that would impact the demand for the product that you have selected.

If you wish to develop a forecast of the demand for this product in a future month (or for other appropriate time period), identify what type of forecasting method would be appropriate.

Identify the variables for which you would need values to be able to calculate an actual forecast for a future month (using the forecasting method you selected).

Create an equation that you believe would accurately predict the demand for this product in a future month and solve the equation to derive a forecast for this product in the future month that you had selected.

Reference no: EM132878500

Questions Cloud

Define the three principle facets of fire protection : Define the three principle facets of fire protection, and identify the four classes of fires and the appropriate methods for extinguishing each
Explain the rationale behind your commendations : What would be your desin imput to this committee? explain the rationale behind your commendations.
Discuss the top three risks and opportunities inherent : Discuss the top 3 risks and opportunities inherent with your recommendations, and your recommendations for addressing them. Explain in detail.
Competitive advantage : Imagine that you are the chief operations officer (COO) of You are interested in creating a competitive advantage for your company
Forecasting : Identify the factors that would impact the demand for the product that you have selected. identify what type of forecasting method would be appropriate.
Explain the firm use of e-channels of distribution : Explain the firm's use of e-channels, e-retailing, or other non-traditional methods of distribution. Explain the channels of used to distribute the product.
How would apply the targeting and positioning approach : Identify the important factors that marketers of this product should analyze to evaluate market segment. How would apply the targeting and positioning approach
Discuss the three primary roles that salespeople have : What safeguards do companies enact to ensure ethical behavior among sales people and sales managers? Discuss the three primary roles that salespeople have.
United kingdom comparison to the united states compensation : What is the United Kingdom comparison to the United States compensation and benefit package in health insurance benefits, wages, and paid time off in workforce


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