Ford auto exhange b2b marketplace

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131035531

Part 1

  • Download and review the attached PDF document,.Ford Auto Exhange B2B Marketplace
  • Click on the URL video link that is listed in the PDF document and watch the video.
  • Read section 12.4,ElemicaCase Study, in Chapter 12 of E-commerce.
  • Review the Video Case Questions from the PDF documentandthe Case Study Questions from your textbook and be prepared to discuss these.

Part 2

  • Go to the Discussion Board - 14-3: Week 14 Case Study & Discussion Board and make a post addressingoneof the following questions:
    • Who do you think would pay the cost for suppliers to put their parts catalogs onto these marketplaces likeAutoXchange? Who should have paid costs?
    • What were the benefits of these systems and who would reap them?
    • Why did the Federal Trade Commission open an investigation of these marketplaces?
    • What role do you think the technology played in the demise of these systems?
    • Why would more "closed" private market places be attractive to both the industry giants who buy the parts, and the suppliers?
  • Make a second post below on the Discussion Board - 14-3: Week 14 Case Study & Discussion Board addressingoneof the following questions:
    • If you were a small chemical company, what concerns would you have about joiningElemica?
    • Elemicaprovides a community for participants where they can transact, coordinate, and cooperate to produce products for less. Yet these firms also compete with one another when they sell chemicals to end- user firms in the automobile, airline, and manufacturing industries. How is this possible?
    • Review the concept of private industrial networks and describe howElemicaillustrates many of the features of such a network.

Reference no: EM131035531

Questions Cloud

Standpoints of stockholders in general and a ceo : Is it better for a firm's actual stock price in the market to be under, over, or equal to its intrinsic value? Would your answer be the same from the standpoints of stockholders in general and a CEO who is about to exercise a million dollars in op..
Why do you think us and saudi arabia may have own practice : Why do you think each country may have their own practice in term of reporting the government accounting and budgetary system?
Estimation of stock x''s intrinsic value : Suppose three honest individuals gave you their estimates of Stock X's intrinsic value. One person is your current roommate, the second person is a professional security analyst with an excellent reputation on Wall Street, and the third person is ..
What is the difference between a police officer : What is the difference between a police officer who views his/her position as a career and the police officer who views the position as a job
Ford auto exhange b2b marketplace : Download and review the attached PDF document,.Ford Auto Exhange B2B Marketplace. Click on the URL video link that is listed in the PDF document and watch the video.
Design of the wit sport complex : The design of The W.I.T Sport Complex with reference to Building Information Modelling (BIM), design of floor slabs, columns and beams
Calculate and interpret of financial statements : Using the financial statements provided, calculate and interpret the days to collect ratio for each of the four years presented. Assume credit sales are 15% of total net sales.
Classical v keynesian approaches : Fiscal policies are the actions of Congress on spending and taxing. (Note that this is different from monetary policy, which is the action take by the Federal Reserve to change the money supply.)
Identify and describe a needed change in your workplace : Start with an introductory paragraph that includes the purpose of the paper.


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Macroeconomics Questions & Answers

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Why might it be difficult for the Fed to formally adopt inflation targeting?  Would inflation targeting be a good policy for the Fed in the present economic environment

  In using the taylor rule

In using the Taylor Rule as a guideline for monetary policy, what are the pros and cons of using forecasted values of inflation and output rather than observed values of these variables?

  Describe the present economic crisis situation in europe

Describe the present economic crisis situation in Europe.  Why has it been so difficult for the Europeans to find a solution to this problem?   Comment on what implications the crisis may have for the rest of the world if Europeans are not able to ag..

  Long-term federal government budget problems

Question:. Explain why there are long-term Federal government budget problems. Explain why the base-line forecast of the CBO is misleading.

  Derive and compare demand curve

Question based on Derive and compare demand curve,  Derive Ambrose's demand function for peanuts. How does it compare with Johnny's demand curve for peanuts?

  Problem based on utility function

Problem based on  Utility Function - Problem,  Answer and explain the following using a diagram which is completely labeled.

  Laffer curve : tax rate and tax revenue

Question based on Laffer Curve : Tax Rate and Tax Revenue,  Do raising tax rates necessarily raise tax revenue? What factors affect how tax revenue changes when tax rates change?

  Problem - income elasticity of demand

Problem - Income Elasticity of Demand,  Interpret the following Income Elasticities of Demand (YED) values for the following and state if the good is normal or inferior; YED= +0.5 and YED= -2.5

  Positive balance of payment

Question Positive Balance of Payment: "Things will look good for the US if we could just get to where we are consistently running a positive Balance of Payments."

  Effect of recession on the investment curve

Comment on the effect of a recession on the investment curve (only) and on the level of savings, investment, and the equilibrium real interest rate in the financial crisis that hits United States first starting in fall 2007.

  Affect of falling domestic investment on trade surplus and

How will a fall in domestic investment affect the trade surplus and net capital outflows in the domestic economy, the trade deficit and capital inflows in the rest of the world.

  Crises in the banking sector and bank run

Banking crises crisis decreases depositors' confidence in the banking system. What would be the effect of a rumor about a banking crisis on checkable deposits in such a country?

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