Food processing plant

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133388783

You have been working the night shift at a food processing plant for several months. The manager has specific guidelines for each employee to follow before going home in the morning. The equipment must be cleaned when the shift is over, and it must be inspected for signs of damage or unusual wear. Usually you look forward to the shifts you work with Joanna, a capable and likable woman. For several weeks, however, you have been disturbed by her behavior. Joann never checks the machinery she has been working with for damage, nor does she perform any routine maintenance. Sometimes she does not even clean the equipment. Joanna, a single mother, has two young children that stay with their grandmother during the night while Joanna is at work. You know that Joanna always tries to get home in time to eat breakfast with them and spend some time together before they leave for school. You have mentioned your safety concerns to Joanna, who told you not to worry. The equipment is practically new, and the rule seems unnecessary, she said. After that, you decided to quietly check the equipment yourself, but what about the times when you and Joanna do.

Reference no: EM133388783

Questions Cloud

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