Food preferences relating to classical and contemporary

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Reference no: EM133583736

Plan and cost recipes

Knowledge Assessment

Question 1
In 30 words or more, briefly explain how each method for calculating portion yield listed below is calculated.
Methods for Calculating Portion Yields
Food cost percentage
Budgeted sales price
Standard yield tests

Question 2
Complete the table below regarding menu types:
Describe how food is served for each menu type listed below.
Identify the portion size of each menu type listed below.
Menu Types
Á la carte
Set or table d'hôte

Question 3
Read the scenarios about food preferences relating to classical and contemporary dining trends.
Answer the questions that follow.

Scenario 1
Katherine owns an Italian restaurant popular for its classical spaghetti dish.
Guests from various places visit Katherine's restaurant just to try its signature spaghetti dish that had retained its traditional taste for more than five decades. Customers express their satisfaction by posting on social media their feedbacks on the authenticity and flavour of Katherine's recipe, which in turn attracts more guests to try out the dish.
Identify the classical dish offered by Katherine's Italian restaurant.
Identify the length of period in which the dish had retained its traditional taste.
In your own words, briefly explain how the dish attracts more guests.
Your response must be in 20 words or more.

Scenario 2
Willy manages a restaurant serves food specific for people following the trend on keto diet.
The restaurant serves common dishes such as stews, soup and pastas but exchanging pork and beef with fish, seafood and poultry. This allows dishes to concentrate on high fat content, promoting conversion of fat to ketones for body fuel. People who are into losing weight frequent Willy's restaurant as it supports their dietary goals.
Identify at least two dishes served by Willy's restaurant
Identify at least two ingredients Willy's restaurant swap pork and beef with.

In your own words, briefly explain why people who are into losing weight prefer Willy's restaurant.
Your response must be in 20 words or more.

Question 4
Read the scenarios about food preferences relating to cultural and ethnic influences.
Answer the questions that follow.

Scenario 1
Sammy is the head chef in a local diner.
Local town folks prefer veal meat than beef. Knowing this, Sammy developed recipes that focus on veal meat as its primary ingredient. The diner provides the following veal dishes on their menu:
Sicilian Veal Involtini
Breaded Veal Cutlets
Veal Newport
Main dish:
Veal Piccata
Veal Milanese
Veal Scaloppini with Wine and Parsley
Identify the local culture that Sammy's restaurant focused on when developing their recipes.

Identify at least two veal dishes that the diner serves as appetiser.

Identify at least two veal dishes that the diner serves as main dish.

Scenario 2
Sofia owns a local diner that is in an area where a lot of people with English ethnicity.
Since majority of the diner's customers are English people, Sofia's diner adopted English recipes in their menu. The diner provides the following English dishes on their menu:
Yorkshire Pudding
British Fish and Chips
Bangers and Mash
Main dish:
English Pickled Onions
Beef Wellington
Lancashire Hotpot

Identify the ethnicity that Sofia's diner based their recipes on.

Identify at least two dishes that the diner serves as appetiser.

Identify at least two dishes that the diner serves as main dish.

Question 5
Read the scenario about food preferences relating to seasonal dishes.
Matilda is the head chef of a restaurant that provide different dishes based on the current season.
During the summertime, the restaurant serves milkshakes since the customers look for beverages that help them cope with the heat. Additionally, the restaurant offers tropical salad that use fruits prevalently available during summer.
Matilda then removes the summer dishes on the menu during winter and adds a different set of recipes instead. Customers go to the restaurant for dishes that use horse meat, which provides a warming effect to the body when ingested.
Answer the questions that follow.

Identify the two dishes offered by Matilda's restaurant.

In your own words, briefly explain why the restaurant chose to offer the summer dishes only during summer.
Your response must be in 20 words or more.

In your own words, briefly explain how the menu changes when the season changes from summer to winter.
Your response must be in 20 words or more.

Question 6
Read the scenario about food preferences relating to variety of food products.
Betty manages a diner in the centre of Sydney.
As the diner is located in the capital, guests with different preferences frequent Betty's diner. This leads to Betty offering dishes from various cuisines to adjust to each customer's preference.
The diner provides the following dishes on their menu:
Japanese cuisine:
Pork Tonkatsu
Miso Ramen
Indian cuisine:
English cuisine:
Sunday Roast
Toad in the Hole
Shepherd's Pie
Answer the questions that follow.

Identify the three cuisines offered by Betty's diner on their menu.

In your own words, briefly explain why the diner offer dishes from various cuisines.
Your response must be in 20 words or more.

Question 7
Complete the table below regarding seasonal food items:
Identify at least two examples of each seasonal food items listed below.
In 30 words or more, briefly explain how each seasonal food item can affect recipe content of organisations.

Seasonal Food Items
Seasonal products

Seasonal commodities

Question 8
Complete the table below regarding culinary terms for different types of cuisine:
Identify at least two examples of culinary terms used in each type of cuisine listed below.
Define each culinary term identified.

Types of Cuisines
Japanese cuisine
Chinese cuisine
Italian cuisine
Indian cuisine
Caribbean cuisine

Workplace Assessment

Assessment Overview
This workplace assessment requires you to plan and cost recipes for different menu types.
This assessment is divided into three tasks:
Task 1: Plan Dishes Based on Customer Preferences
Task 2: Develop Menu
Task 3: Adjust Dish Recipes
You are required to complete the assessment tasks in an operational business environment. This can be an industry workplace; or an industry-realistic simulated environment.
Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow these instructions to complete the assessment. Each task will require you to either:
Submit completed workplace templates and/or any required documentation; or
Demonstrate task requirements while being observed by the assessor.
Some tasks may include both requirements. These will serve as evidence of your task completion.
Before starting this assessment, your assessor will discuss with you these instructions, resources, and guidance for satisfactorily completing the tasks.

You are required to:
Complete the tasks within the time allowed, as scheduled in-class roll.
Select dishes for menu types based on organisation's customer profile documents and customer feedback
Calculate food cost percentages
Write descriptions for each dish
Adjust dishes to improve yield

Task 1: Plan Dishes Based on Customer Preferences
Access and review the following:
Organisational documents containing information on the following:
Service style
Organisational policies and procedures for the following:
Planning recipe
Developing menu
Organisational template of standard recipe in spreadsheet format
Customer profile documents, containing the following:
Buying power
Income level
Social background
Identify the following organisational information:
Service style offered
Cuisine offered
Identify at least two customer profiles, including:
Personal information
At least two food preferences - one for each customer profile.
Select at least three dishes for each of the following menu types:
Á la carte
Set or Table d'hôte
Develop recipe for each dish identified using standard recipe cards in spreadsheet format, including:
Method of preparation
Portion sizes
Ingredients required
Units of measurement
Equipment required
Consult at least two customers to seek feedback on the food dishes identified
Adjust dish recipes based on customer feedback collected
Record information collected in a menu dish plan document.
Use your organisation's template for selecting dishes for different menu types. You may also use the Menu Dish Plan template provided at the Continent Hotel site.

Task 2: Develop Menu

Access and review the following:
Menu dish plan document completed in Workplace Assessment Task 1.
Customer profile documents
Organisational documents containing information on the following:
Budgetary constraints
Business service style
Dish pricing
Organisational template for standard recipe in spreadsheet format
Commodity price list
Documents containing information on Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Identify the components of each dish identified in Workplace Assessment Task 1 in a spreadsheet document using the following:
Spreadsheet application
Calculate the following using the ingredients identified for each dish:
Portion yields
Portion cost
Cost markup
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Identify the following:
Ingredients that produce high yields
Prices for each dish
Evaluate cost effectiveness of each dish based on the following:
Calculations completed
Budgetary constraints
Adjusts dish prices to maximise profit
Name each dish appropriately based on style of cuisine
Provide descriptions for each dish based on:
Business service style
Customer preferences
Use your organisation's template for naming dishes and writing dish descriptions. You may also use the Dish Profile template provided along with this workbook.

Task 3: Adjust Dish Recipes

This task requires you to consult at least two stakeholders to improve the yield of each dish and adjust each as necessary.
Access and review the spreadsheet document on evaluating dish profitability completed in Workplace Assessment Task 2.
Consult at least at two stakeholders to identify the following:
Feedback on saleability of each dish, including:
At least two unprofitable dishes
Recommendation on changes to be made to each dish to improve yield
Stakeholders refer to colleagues and supervisors in the organisation.
Adjust recipes based on recommendation identified
Use your organisation's template for adjusting dish recipes. You may also use the Dish Recipe Adjustment template provided along with this workbook.

Reference no: EM133583736

Questions Cloud

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Food preferences relating to classical and contemporary : SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes - Explain how each method for calculating portion yield listed - food preferences relating to classical and contemporary dining
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What did you learn from the whitehall studies concerning : What did you learn from the Whitehall studies concerning the socio-economic gradient in health? Does it apply to population health today in the United States?


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