Food insecurity is increasing in this economy

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131522423

Food insecurity is increasing in this economy. Many people go to bed without having had enough to eat. The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn more about food insecurity and what resources are available in your area. For this assignment you will need to:

  • Visit a community food shelf or soup kitchen in your area (if you are able to fit it into your schedule; if not, arrange a phone interview.)
  • Interview someone who runs the community food shelf or soup kitchen.
  • Utilize appropriate credible, professional sources and websites (see appendix L in your text).

If you volunteered at the food shelter, include a brief description about your experience for 5 extra credit points!

Respond to each of the following questions and include additional information as relevant. Make sure you include the numbering and questions below to facilitate my correcting. You will not receive full credit if I cannot find your responses easily.

  1. Who runs the food shelf/soup kitchen and how do they support it? (provide names and titles)
  2. How many people attend? (be specific)
  3. Is there an increase or decrease in numbers? (be specific)
  4. Do they have enough to eat? How was this determined? (be specific)
  5. List and describe 2 other related programs that are available in your area (include websites referenced).
  6. List and describe 2 related resources available on a national level (note that Chapter 3 in your text discusses many relevant resources; make sure to include websites referenced).
  7. What is food insecurity? How is it measured?

Reference no: EM131522423

Questions Cloud

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