Focusing on biomedical treatment

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133732100


Prepare and present on a psychopharmacological agent as well as its corresponding DSM-V diagnosis, focusing on its biomedical treatment. Students will work to select a psychopharmacological agent to cover and research further. Your presentation material should cover a psychopharmacological agent that IS NOT covered in the textbook and include the use of audio-visual aides (commercials/advertisements, testimonials found about the agent and a neurobiological illustration). The outcome of this effort will be a presentation describing the agent and any applicable diagnosis: (1) generic and trade names, (2) applications, which includes typical and atypical diagnoses (3) interactions with other drugs, and (4) side-effects.

Reference no: EM133732100

Questions Cloud

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Headache-nausea and high blood pressure : Jessica Perez 31-year-old pregnant female Medical history: G4P3, delivered baby 36 weeks, headache, nausea, high blood pressure.
Focusing on biomedical treatment : Prepare and present on a psychopharmacological agent as well as its corresponding DSM-V diagnosis, focusing on its biomedical treatment.
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Public health student gain from community health classes : What kind of skills and knowledge can a public health student gain from community health classes? What would a program planning and evaluation class teach?


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