Reference no: EM133749062
Becoming an Early Childhood Practitioner
Assessment: Online eResource Development
Task description: Develop two sequences of learning experiences appropriate for 0-2 year olds and 3-5 year olds, one focuses on STEM, and one focuses on literacy. Base each sequence on the practical application of play-based learning with intentionality to support children's learning across domains of development. Specific strategies for inclusive practice should be provided, as should additional supports and modifications for diverse learners, including indigenous learners and learners with disabilities.
Two learning sequences are provided, one for 0-2 year olds and one for 3-5 year olds, one focuses on STEM and one focuses on literacy.
Three learning experiences are contained in each sequence, and are age/developmentally appropriate and clearly work towards the stated learning objective(s)
Rationale of the practical application of play-based learning with intentionality is justified, drawing on relevant academic readings.
Specific strategies for inclusive practice are provided, including additional supports and modifications for diverse learners.
Relevant academic literature is drawn upon to justify learning objectives, learning experiences, learning materials and supports for diverse learners.
For each sequence:
Learning objectives and targeted aged group of the sequence clearly identified.
Three learning experiences are clearly described, and each of experiences contains relevant details of its aim, duration, and materials to be used
Learning experiences are planned with consideration of diverse learners, including indigenous learners and learners with disabilities, drawing on relevant academic readings.
Word count: 1500
Formatting: 12-point serif font (eg. Times New Roman). 1.5 or double line spacing.
Referencing: APA7