Focus on the topic of AI for Management

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133642153


This presentation will focus on the topic of AI for Management. There is no doubt that AI has influenced everything we know, and will have a more dominant presence in your future. AI has also been used to manage companies and workers more effectively and more efficiently. I strongly recommend focusing on a specific topic rather than more general. For example, a presentation on a new AI app that will change the way we manage workers would be perfect.

Reference no: EM133642153

Questions Cloud

The urgent team leaders meeting was held at company : The urgent team leaders meeting was held at the company where you are employed because Management found
Historical evolution of modern style performance measurement : An understanding of the historical evolution of modern style performance measurement as it relates to the public sector
Professional development session : She has asked you to run a professional development session for the new trainees on the ACECQA assessment and rating process
Effective implementation of technology in business : Area of improvement for IKEA is Technical skills Training and development for employees for effective implementation of technology in business
Focus on the topic of AI for Management : This presentation will focus on the topic of AI for Management. I strongly recommend focusing on a specific topic rather than more general.
Evaluate five project risk management principles : Identify a project and evaluate five project risk management principles that can be applied to the project.
Diversification of supply chains : Successful Approach: One successful approach is the diversification of supply chains.
Support the employees and their culture related grievances : Determine strategies that may best support the employees and their culture related grievances. Could you tell us more about showing interest in propose solution
Principles of management : You have finished Principles of Management, how has/will this course impacted/impact your academic, personal, or professional life?


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