Focus in conceiving and designing great products

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13753714

Here are the questions for consideration in writing your Jobs individual paper. Pick one and follow the instructions on the Individual Paper Instruction sheet in "Course Documents." Yes, you can use your reflections as the basis for your paper if you like.

If you prefer to branch out, and you have a favorite entrepreneur who has inspired you, you can replace "Steve Jobs" with that person in the questions below and write your paper accordingly.

What is the most important lesson to learn from the interpersonal relationship side of Steve Jobs? (What to do . . . or what not to do, and why)

What is the most important entrepreneurial lesson to learn from the business acumen of Steve Jobs?

Jobs transformed six high-tech industries in his lifetime . . . which of his tech advances do you consider most important, and why?

Steve Jobs believed in Simplicity and in Focus in conceiving and designing great products. Discuss pros and cons.

Reference no: EM13753714

Questions Cloud

What was significance of silent majority during vietnam war : What was the significance of the silent majority during Vietnam War? What was the significance of the Pentagon Papers during Vietnam War?
How specific works of art show the exchange of styles : how specific works of art show the exchange of styles, ideas, media, and artistic techniques. Compare and contrast specific art examples from two cultures we are studying this week.
A main cause for the rise of mass culture in the us : a main cause for the rise of mass culture in the United States?
Explain your experiences as an immigrant to america : Write a 700- to 1,050-word first-person description of your experiences as an immigrant to America in the late 19th or early 20th century.
Focus in conceiving and designing great products : Steve Jobs believed in Simplicity and in Focus in conceiving and designing great products. Discuss pros and cons
Create a 2d array of randomly generated ints : Write a complete Java class that will create a 2D array of randomly generated ints that of size 5 rows and 10 columns. Print the values of each cell to a 5x10 table.
Employee wage data application : A small company is moving all its employee data to a computer. To make a smooth transition, a software program will permit the data entry personnel to enter data into a file. Design a program that writes the employees.dat file
Identify the psychological and social factors : Identify the psychological and social factors, such as motives, perception, attitudes, personality, family, social class, and reference groups, that influence consumer behavior toward your product or service.
Analysis of tfc financial statements : Determine two (2) strategies that TFC could utilize to reach its expansion goals. You may, for example, consider your analysis of TFC's financial statements, as well as your knowledge of TFC's excessive cash position. Provide a rationale for your ..


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