Reference no: EM132087266
Imagining the Future.
Imagine that the response to the challenge you chose as the focal point for your Masters in Early Childhood Studies has been implemented and is highly successful. It is 15 years later, and you are at the height of your career-well known for your advocacy work promoting young children, families, and the early childhood field. You are so well known that you have been asked to be the key note speaker at he International White House Conference on Young Children and Families. Affecting Positive social change. You are speaking to a mixed audience of political leaders, agency movers and shakers, and those who are just at the beginning of their work as agents of social change and the next generation of leaders in the field. You challenge and responsibility is to inform and to inspire.
Please write an abstract for this assignment.
You will need to include an abstract in your capstone project paper this week.
Live this dream. Write notes for your speech by responding to the following questions:
What organization are you now working for? What is your current project (e.g., perhaps you are an international expert on child development and family/community health who has just opened an orphanage in Zambia ... remember, the sky is the limit when you envision your own growth and accomplishments in the field)?
What have been some of the high points of your career so far- contributions you have made to the field? (Describe at least three).
What are your professional dreams for the early childhood field (i.e, what do you still want to contribute)?
What main message(s) do you have for people who are just starting out as enthusiastic and passionate advocates?
What can they contribute as advocates and leaders in the field? What are your hopes for them with regard to the evolution of the field?
As detailed as possible.
Attachment:- Abstract.rar