Flood Risk Assessment using Flood Modeling Software

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM133157443

3007EXQ Catchment Hydrology, Hydraulics & Flood Modelling - Coventry University

Coursework - Flood Risk Assessment using Flood Modeling Software

Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate Intellectual thinking, analytical and creative problem-solving skills, based on identifying, critically and systematically assessing problems, collecting and interpreting qualitative and quantitative data and selecting appropriate method and models for solving flood/environmental engineering challenges

Task: For this coursework, you will be provided with data for an example river that will include cross-section data, the discharge for a 100 year flood and details of a new bridge that is to be built on this river.

You will need to model the river and bridge in HEC-RAS and assess the impact of the new bridge on the river for a 100 year flood discharge. You will then need to propose mitigation measures to ensure the river remains at safe levels for this discharge after the bridge is added. It is recommended you model a range of mitigation measures and then suggest the optimal solution.

A document will be provided that will give you:
• All the river cross-sections
• The dimensions of the bridge
• The discharge for a 100 year flood for the river
• The cost of a selection of mitigation techniques
• A total budget for the project
Once you have completed the modelling, you will need to write a report to detail your work and findings.

The report must include:

1. Introduction
- Introduction/overview of flood modelling
- Discussion of 1D vs 2D methods
- Summary of modelling that was done for your project
2. Modelling methodology
Detailed explanation of how your model was set-up and ran and justification for the choice of model

3. Results
- River levels before the bridge was added
- River levels after the bridge was added
- Mitigation strategies (recommended to model a range of measures to aid in discussion)
- River levels after mitigation strategies

4. Discussion
Critical discussion of the pros and cons of your modelling, the accuracy of your model and the significance of your results. This should also cover the feasibility, especially in terms of cost, of the mitigation strategies you modelled.

5. Conclusions and recommendations
Summarise your findings and provide final recommendation to the client

The focus of this report is summarising the flood risk and mitigation strategies and recommendations in a concise manner. The key is to convey the main outcomes of your modelling in as few words as possible.

Attachment:- Flood Risk Assessment.rar

Reference no: EM133157443

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