Reference no: EM133235739
1) Musgrove described five reasons for regulation of market activity, what is the most intuitive type?
A Provide information
B Regulate setting rules for private providers
C Government provides services directly
D Mandate by stipulating that private entities act in a certain mann
2) The United States relies much more on mircroregulation that is carried out privately like utilization management techniques.
3) A smart policy analyst or manager should be able to determine the most efficient way of accomplishing a goal.
4) What evidence of physician-induced demand would be at odds with a health care marketplace that is operating competitively?
A Physicians are paid less per service
B An increase in physician supply
C Patients know as much about medicine as the physician
D Patients accept services they don't need
5) What gave birth to new organizations representing consumers, women, environmentalists, and others competing with older interests for the attention of policymakers?
A Social movements of 1960s and 1970s
B Congressional collective action influenced by special interests
C Counter mobilizations of citizen groups
D Self-selection of locally embedded legislators who act independently
6) What tactic is often used in Congress to block or end floor action by allowing any individual senator or small group of senators to conduct endless debate?
A Suspension of the rules
B Offer an amendment
C Filibuster
D Require a two-thirds vote of the members
7) What are three underlying assumptions that are emphasized for the implications of health policy?
A Individuals are rational.
B People know what goods and services are likely to make them best off, and they can effectively use available information to achieve this best-off position given their wealth.
C Individuals' tastes for goods and services are predetermined and cannot be unduly influenced by physicians or other providers, or even advertisers.
D The distribution of wealth is approved by society, and furthermore, individuals care only about their own resources and not those of others.
8) The health care debate has always turned into a debate about what kind of nation the United States is and all of the issues of our time are all rolled into it. What do successful administrations do to affect health care reform and US health care service delivery?
A Reverse all of the policies and reforms of the previous administration.
B Fully embrace everything that the previous administration did and build on it.
C Examine the health legacies of previous administrations without bias.
D Ignore current health care problems and pass them onto the next administration to figure out.
9) What are some examples of majoritarian attributes?
A Plurality elections for Congress
B Single-member legislative districts
C Executive power concentrated in a single President
D A multi-party system
10) What patient cost sharing strategy is designed to make people think twice before using services?
A Low-deductible health insurance plans
B Reliance on public health care services paid for from taxes
C Health care savings accounts
D High-deductible health insurance plans
11) All industrial countries endow their citizens with some form of universal health insurance coverage.
12) The principles that aims to guarantee that certain agreed-upon individual needs will be paid for by a community or group, or doesn't require that medical care be distributed equally in the sense that everyone gets the same amount, is called:
A Social insurance
B Solidarity
C Risk pool
D Market goods
13) How many years did it take from Wagner's first bill for health care reform to Clinton's proposed Health Security Act - a span of time when not a single health care reform initiative came before the US Congress?
14) Our inability to measure intangible values makes calculating efficiency difficult and leads those who try calculating it to omit the things they can't easily measure and thereby omit the things that matter most.