Reference no: EM13740858
Five Leader Decision Styles
There are five levels of subordinate participation in decision making ranging from highly autocratic (leader decides alone) to highly democratic (leader delegates to group):
Write a 2 page paper. Address the following in your paper:
- How does a leader decide which of the five decision styles to use?
- Explain the five styles and give an example of when it would be best for the leader to use each style.
Include a title page and 3-5 references. Only one reference may be from the internet (not Wikipedia). The other reference must be from the Grantham University online library. Please adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), (6th ed. 2nd printing) when writing and submitting assignments and papers.
Unethical Versus Ethical Leadership
It takes courage to lead an organization with ethics.
For instance, Leaders at AIG argued that they were obligated to pay bonuses to executives even after the company was bailed out by the U.S. Government. They stated that they had a contractual obligation to pay these bonuses. Many people argued that the Leaders at AIG acted unethically when paying those bonuses.
Others said they were justified in doing so.
Write a 2 page paper. In your paper address the following:
- How does a leader find the courage to step through fear and confusion to act ethically despite the risks involved?
- Give an example of a situation in business where you observed a leader acting unethically/ethically.
- Knowing what you know now how would you have counseled them?
- Conclude your paper by describing how you will prepare yourself to lead ethically.
Include a title page and 3-5 references. Only one reference may be from the internet (note Wikipedia). The other reference must be from the Grantham University Online Library. Please adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), (6th ed. 2nd printing) when writing and submitting assignments and papers.
Discussion about unions
: There has been a lot of discussion about unions and whether they are beneficial or not. Do you believe unions still add value to the workplace? Why, or why not? Would you rather work for a unionized or non-unionized employer? Why, or why not?
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Five leader decision styles
: There are five levels of subordinate participation in decision making ranging from highly autocratic (leader decides alone) to highly democratic (leader delegates to group):
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