Five different team-type structures in the reading

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Reference no: EM133088684

The one-boss arrangementDual AuthorityA simple hierarchycircle network, ; one person has authority over others. Information and decisions flow from the top. Group members offer information to and communicate primarily with the official leader rather than with one another. This array is efficient and fast and works best in relatively simple and straightforward situations.

Two individuals have authority over specific areas of the group's work. Information and decisions flow through them. This arrangement works when a task is divisible; it reduces the boss's span of control, freeing up time to concentrate on mission, strategy, or relationships with higher-ups. But adding a new layer limits access from the lower levels to the boss. Communication becomes slower and may erode morale or performance.

has a middle manager who reports to the boss and, in turn, supervises and communicates with others. A similar arrangement at the White House frees the President to focus on mission and external relations while leaving operational details to the chief of staff. Although this type of hierarchy further limits access to the top, it can be more efficient than a dual-manager arrangement. At the same time, friction between operational and top-level managers is commonplace, and number two may be tempted to usurp number one's position.

A fourth option is a where information and decisions flow sequentially from one group member to another. Each can add to or modify whatever comes around. This design relies solely on lateral coordination and simplifies communication. Each person has to deal directly with only two others; transactions are therefore easier to manage. However, one weak link in the chain can undermine the entire enterprise. The circle can bog down with complex tasks that require more reciprocity.

A final possibility sets up what small group researchers call the all-channel, or star, network. It creates multiple connections so that everyone can talk to anyone else. Information flows freely; decisions sometimes require touching multiple bases. Morale in an all-channel network is usually high. The arrangement works well if a task is amorphous or complicated, requiring substantial mutual adjustment, particularly if each member brings distinct knowledge or skill. But this structure can be time consuming, and decision making may slow to a crawl, making it cumbersome and inefficient for simpler undertakings or for groups that have difficulty coming to agreement. It works best when team members bring well-developed communication skills, enjoy participation, tolerate ambiguity, embrace diversity, are able to manage conflict, and agree on how the team will make decisions.


Note the five different team-type structures in the reading. Which one of these do your workgroup use and state if you feel if this is the most appropriate organization for your team. Explain why or why not.

Reference no: EM133088684

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