Fisk was one of schools established to educate freedmen

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133530783


How do you plan to stay organized for this course? What resources from this course do you plan to use? What new insights did you gain from the reading in Unit 5 and 6? What controversies and challenges did-Americans encounter during these periods? (Please select one era of time and the challenge Americans faced) Unit 5 of textbook covers Reconstruction. I am sharing two historical facts from these eras. Here is one history fact. Did you know that Fisk University was found in 1866 after the Civil War? During Reconstruction, you learned about the Freedmen's bureau. Fisk was one of the schools established to educate freedmen.

Reference no: EM133530783

Questions Cloud

Foundations of crown and first nation interactions : Is the Indigenous concept of "A Dish With One Spoon," one of the relational foundations of Crown and First Nation interactions? Explain.
About shifting dynamics of gender roles and power dynamics : What does the portrayal of strong and central female characters in male-dominated environment reveal about shifting dynamics of gender roles and power dynamics.
Social pressure and conformity during the Cold War era : Can you give me some information about the relationship between social pressure and conformity during the Cold War era?
Examining women roles during the Civil War : Write a essay examining women's roles during the Civil War. How did women contribute during the war?
Fisk was one of schools established to educate freedmen : How do you plan to stay organized for this course? Fisk was one of the schools established to educate freedmen.
About how americans valued the lives of industrial workers : What do these working conditions during the long gilded age tell us about how Americans valued the lives of industrial workers
Cold War many thought sacrificing freedom for security : During the Cold War many thought sacrificing freedom for security was a really bad idea by giving the government too much power over its citizens.
What enabled Frederick Douglass to escape from slavery : He counseled President Lincoln during the Civil War and influenced some of his decisions. What enabled Frederick Douglass to escape from slavery?
Alexander Hamilton financial program : Which of the following was NOT part of Alexander Hamilton's financial program?


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