FIP 132 Building Construction Assignment

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM132854601

FIP 132 Building Construction - Catawba Valley Community College

Module Objective

Identify various building construction types.

Describe materials used as it relates to the type of construction.

Discuss features of fire protection, and their minimum requirements to meet fire code in building construction.

Explain various fire protection systems available and their uses in building construction.


Students are required to select a foreign city or country as a focus for this module. A research paper consisting of a minimum of five pages that includes the following topics:

-Research types of building construction in your selected foreign city. Select one of the construction types, and explain construction features used that allows the building to withstand the hazards of fires. Compare the building construction type in your foreign city, and compare the construction and durability under fire conditions to a similar U.S. building construction type.

-Detail thefire protection systems commonly used in the building construction of your selected city, and how are they similar or different from those systems used in the U.S.?

-In your selected city, what construction techniques and/or fire protection systems are incorporated into your chosen building type that assists firefighters in extinguishment, location, and isolation of fires within the building?

Attachment:- Building Construction.rar

Reference no: EM132854601

Questions Cloud

Calculate the range and mean for the pawnee location : a. Calculate the range and mean for the Pawnee location and the Chickpee location. (Round the "Mean" to 2 decimal places.)
What is the economic production quantity : What is the economic production quantity? What is the annual cost of ordering and holding the subcomponent inventory?
Find the probability of choosing exactly five first ?shift : Find the probability of choosing exactly five first ?shift workers. The probability of choosing exactly five first shift workers is ___?
Why is the amount included in the budget : Does the value of the item outweigh the cost? If not, then there is a reason why the price is accepted? Why is the amount included in the budget?
FIP 132 Building Construction Assignment : FIP 132 Building Construction Assignment Help and Solution, Catawba Valley Community College - Assessment Writing Service
How would justify a budget fixed and flexible expenses : How would justify a budget's fixed and flexible expenses to a board of directors or grant funding agency. What negotiation or conflict resolution strategy
Explain why a quadratic model is more appropriate : 1.) Explain why a quadratic model is more appropriate for the data than a log or exponential model.
Does the brand make difference or does price : Is the image and reputation of a company important to you when purchasing goods or services? Does the brand make a difference or does price?
How are planning to continue journey in interviewing : Discuss the micro skills that you've learned about this semester that you believe would be helpful to continue to work on developing.


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