Fingerprint floors franchise which installed wood flooring

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Reference no: EM133574244


Rio and Lux partnered and purchased for $280,000 a Fingerprint Floors franchise which installed wood flooring, carpeting, and laminates in homes. Their Idaho business did very well as many people moved to Idaho to get away from the city and work from home. After five years, Lux decided Idaho was too crowded and moved to Alaska, but continued to do all the bookkeeping for Fingerprint Floors. While in Alaska, Lux was asked by Ziv to join in another country-wide franchise called Carpet County because Lux knew about flooring. Lux decided to become a partner with Ziv but did not consult Rio as Rio was in Idaho. Carpet County became a competitor with Fingerprint Flooring and when Rio found out Lux owned Carpet County, Rio sued for their franchise costs. Discuss where can Rio bring the lawsuit. Concurrent Jurisdiction Exclusive Jurisdiction Federal Jurisdiction Subject Matter Jurisdiction State Jurisdiction State Appellate Jurisdiction.

Reference no: EM133574244

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