Reference no: EM133096253
The results of a recent survey by the Occupational Health and Safety Committee of Toronto Police Services Board suggest that the physical health and work/family balance of many of the police officers suffer because of shift work. According to the survey, night shifts are particularly considered hindering police officers' health and work/family balance. In the committee's last meeting, it was suggested that offering a compressed workweek to employees might be an effective intervention to help with their work/family balance. You have been tasked with researching the effectiveness of this intervention. In your research, you came across the following systematic review:
Bambra, C., Whitehead, M., Sowden, A., Akers, J., & Petticrew, M. (2008). "A hard day's night?" The effects of Compressed Working Week interventions on the health and work-life balance of shift workers: a systematic review. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 62(9), 764-777.
a. Explain the rationale of why using the findings of a systematic review increases your confidence in the decision concerning the suggested intervention.
b. Describe the components of this systematic review that you will examine to evaluate its quality and the extent to which its recommendations can be trusted. Make this evaluation based on each component and overall.
c. Based on your evaluation in part b, what would be your comment on the effectiveness of a compressed workweek to the members of the committee?