Finding the nash equilibrium

Assignment Help Game Theory
Reference no: EM1372631

1. Determine the solution to the given advertising decision game between Coke and Pepsi, assuming the companies act independently.

Pepsi's budget
Low Medium High

Low 400; 400 320; 720 560; 600
budget Medium 500; 300 450; 525 540; 500

High 375; 420 300; 378 525; 750

a. Does Coke have a dominant strategy? If yes, what is it?
b. Does Pepsi have a dominant strategy? If yes, what is it?
c. What is the likely outcome of this advertising decision problem? Verify that your answer is a Nash equilibrium by explaining why it is strategically stable.
d. Pepsi's highest payoff occurs when Coke and Pepsi both choose high ad budgets. Explain why Pepsi will not likely choose a high ad budget.
2. What is tacit collusion? How would the behavior of the firms differ from that of members of a cartel? Why would tacit collusion exist?


Reference no: EM1372631

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