Finding netbios information for a remote machine

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379624

I desperately need assistance on the questions below which some of them requires using the the command prompt. I would like to have the answer with the detail step by step commands.

Question1. Find all the mail servers for
Question2. Find all the DNS servers for
Question3. If you can reach a remote machine by IP, but not by name, what conclusion can you make?
Question4. Discuss the steps that you use to trouble your DNS issue in the client side?
Question5. How do you specify a particular DNS server to make a query?
Question6. If you make a DNS query and get a message "query refused", what can you conclude?
Question7. How can you know DNS server running on a machine?
Question8. How to get maximum information when you make DNS query?
Question9. List your NetBIOS cache information
Question10. Give a command which uses NetBIOS name resolution.
Question11. Find the NetBIOS information for a remote machine.


Reference no: EM1379624

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Finding netbios information for a remote machine : Discuss the steps that you use to trouble your DNS issue in the client side and also find NetBIOS information for a remote machine.
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Operating System Questions & Answers

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