Reference no: EM132314428 , Length: word count:3000
Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics Assignment Project -
Instruction - Use ANSYS Fluent software to solve heat transfer problems in this project. The report must be in the format of Microsoft Word file.
Fins are popularly used to keep the temperature of electric devices low. This project is aimed to find out the best configuration of the fins as shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 is the design of the fins. The key parameters are:
The surface of the fins including the base releases heat of 100 W. It is assumed that the heat flux is evenly distributed along all the fins surfaces shown in Figure 2 (excluding the bottom surface). A fan is used to blow air into the inlet and it is assumed that the air velocity is constant in the inlet duct.
Assignment -
1. If the air flow velocity at the inlet is 1 m/s and the air temperature is 20oC. The fins are parallel to the x-direction in Figure 1, find out which of the follow configuration leads to the lowest temperature on the fin:
a. The centres of the inlet and outlet ducts are 70 mm above the bottom.
b. The centres of the inlet and outlet ducts are 850 mm above the bottom.
c. The centres of the inlet and outlet ducts are 100 mm above the bottom.
2. Using the best height of the air duct found in question 1, find which of the following configuration has the lowest temperature on the fin:
a. The fines are parallel to the x-direction.
b. The fins are parallel to the y-direction.
Requirement -
The report should be about 3000-word report.
You need to clearly specify the models you used to simulate the flow, the boundary conditions.
You need to use pictures, diagrams and/or tables in your report to show the results.
You need to discuss where the maximum temperature is located in every configuration, explain physically how heat is transferred, discuss the uncertainty of the results, give recommendation on the fin design.
Note - Need to attach images of ANSYS fluent simulation in report.