Reference no: EM132269759
Advice: Be detailed and specific in your answers. Avoid vague responses. This may mean you write more than the minimum word count requirement.
In this assignment you will.....
1) Identify Missouri's two United States Senators.
2) Provide a discussion of their ‘path to the Senate'. For example, what is the educational background and previous employment of the Senator? What elected positions did the Senator hold before the person entered the Senate?Prior military service?
3) What committees does the Senator serve? Consider the background of the Senator and discuss how this impacts his or her committee membership.
Does it seem logical the Senator sits on the particular committee? Are these good committees for a Senator from Missouri? How can membership on these committees be beneficial to Missourians? Be sure to discuss the mission and purpose of each committee the Senator serves. (‘' has this information)
4) Find three interest groups that rate Senator's voting record. What do these ratings tell you about the Senator? Does this surprise you? Explain.
Note: the discussion and evaluation of the Senator is a large part of the grade. Most anyone can read the website and report what is written. However, evaluating and analyzing the candidate is what separates college level learning from secondary education.
In addition to the requirements above, please follow guidelines below (points will be removed for not following these guidelines)
• Be sure to double space the assignment.
• Paper should have no less than 300 words for each Senator. At least 700 words in the assignment.
• Use 12 point Times New Roman font.
• Provide a works cited section for all websites and other references used. Even if you use the websites provided above, please indicate in your paper where they are used.
• Be sure to write using standard paper format. In other words, do not list committees in table format.
Use paragraphs correctly.
Donot use contractions in your writing.
Proofread the paper.
Senate is a pronoun.