Find three different standards practices from entities

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13833924



In preparation for Assignment, you should know what you need to do and how you plan to approach the scenario. Securing a server and database is not as simple as clicking an -Auto-Secure- button and patting yourself on the back. There are some threats that affect specific host platforms and databases while others are universal. Different measures in security can come with significant consequences, some tolerable and some not.

This is not a new problem and as a professional, you should avail yourself of any and all tools at your disposal. Including the experience of others!

Task Details

In assignment you will be installing Windows 2012 Standard Server and the MS SQL Standard database.

In order to do this, you should have a set approach that outlines what you need to do, how to do it, in what order and why you are doing it.

To answer these questions you should start by looking at those bodies that exist to oversee server and database security. (Some such bodies should immediately spring to mind).

Find at least 3 different standards / best practices from entities that you consider authoritative in this field for both Server and Database securing and hardening (that is 6 standards in total). Start by stating why these bodies should be considered authoritative. Compare and contrast the standards/best practices, highlighting areas that you approve of and those you disagree with and, in both cases, why.

Finally, using your chosen standards are a base, outline your own details plan for installing and securing your server and database.

Reference no: EM13833924

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