Reference no: EM132402526
International Monetary Economics
Asset Approach to Exchange Rate
Consider the asset model of exchange rate determination studied in class. The money demand is given by the equation
Mtd / Pt = Yt / it
The uncovered interest parity is given by the equation
it = it ∗ + (Eet+1 − Et )/ Et
Suppose that investors form their expectations following the equation
Eet+1 = θEt + (1 − θ)Eet
where θ is a parameter, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1.
(a) In period t = 1, the following information is provided: θ = 0, P1 = 1, Ms1= 100, Y1 = 4, i∗1 = .02, and Ee0 = E0 = 1. Find E1.
(b) Given part (a), suppose the Central Bank applies a contractionary monetary policy in period t= 2 under static exchange rate expectations: M2s = 50 and θ is still 0. Find E2.
(c) Given part (a), suppose the Central Bank applies a contractionary monetary policy in
period t = 2 under changing exchange rate expectations: M2s = 50 and θ is now 0.5. Find E2.
(d) Compute the magnitude of the undershooting and explain (intuitively and graphically) your result.
(e) Find the value that E will take in the new long-run equilibrium.
(f) Repeat part (d) if θ changes from θ = 0 to θ = θ^. Compute the following sensitivity:
[d(undershooting)/ dθ^]
Explain the impact from θ^ to the magnitude of undershooting.
Note: undershooting is calculated as the difference between the exchange rate under dynamic expectations and the exchange rate under static expectations (given that a change in monetary policy has occurred).