Find the value of total june sales

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131626541

1) Plot the graph of y = x3 - 2 in the range -10 ≤ x ≤ 10. Name the axes and add a title.

2) Differentiate with respect to x

y = x2Sin(2x) + In(x)

3) Integrate

0Π.2x3 - sin(x) dx

4) Present value of an ordinary annuity payment is given by

PV = P[(1 - (1+i)-n)/i]

Where PV= Present Value, P=Payment per period, i=interest rate and n=number of years.

Write a program to output he Present Value when different values for P, i and n is given in the command window. Use a .m file

5) Below is the sales matrix for a particular sales organization for the month of June.

Code Number of Items Sales Amount(S)
1 120 800
2 80 560
3 55 450
4 90 900
5 75 200
6 120 350
7 100 490
8 100 820
9 60 780
10 65 750
11 75 940
12 50 900
13 70 480
14 110 880
15 108 730
16 72 750
17 100 500
18 110 220
19 65 340
20 95 850
21 106 280
22 124 600
23 89 450
24 93 320
25 132 650

a) Write the table in matrix form and find the value of total June Sales

b) Find the average number of items sold in June and round it off to the nearest integer.

6) Write a function where a user can input "Number of units sold' and the "Total Value of Sales". Then the commission is calculates as below

Units Sold(x) Commission Rate
X ≥ 600 0.5
300 ≤ X ≤ 600 0.3
X ≤ 300 0.1

Commission amount = Total Value of Salestommission Rate

Finally display the Salary as Total Value of Sales and Commission amount.

7) Generate a 5x8 matrix of random numbers and next write a programme using "for" and "if" loops to replace numbers less than 0.5 with "0" and numbers 0.5 or above with 1.

Reference no: EM131626541

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