Find the value of the term which is independent of x

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM132346554

Pure Mathematics 1

1. Find the value of the term which is independent of x in the expansion of x3 x‾4.
2. A geometric progression, for which the common ratio is positive, has a second term of 18 and a fourth term of 8.


(i) the ?rst term and the common ratio of the progression,

(ii) the sum to in?nity of the progression.



In the diagram, OPQ is a sector of a circle, centre O and radius r cm. Angle QOP Θ radians. The tangent to the circle at Q meets OP extended at R.

(i) Show that the area, A cm2, of the shaded region is given by A    1 r22(tan Θ    Θ).

(ii) In the case where Θ  0.8 and r  15, evaluate the length of the perimeter of the shaded region.

4. The gradient at any point (x, y) on a curve is (1  2x). The curve passes through the point (4, 11).


(i) the equation of the curve,

(ii) the point at which the curve intersects the y-axis. 

5.  (i) Show that the equation 3 tan Θ 2 cos Θ can be expressed as 2 sin2 Θ  3 sin Θ  2  0.

(ii)  Hence solve the equation 3 tan Θ  2 cos Θ, for 0Æ  Θ 360Æ.



In the diagram, triangle ABC is right-angled and D is the mid-point of BC.  Angle DAC  30Æand angle BAD  xÆ.  Denoting the length of AD by l,

(i) Express each of AC and BC exactly in terms of l, and show that  AB  1 L/2   7,
(ii) Show that x   tan 1    2/3   30.
7.  Given that a   2/ 2   , b    2/6  and c  p/p    , ?nd 1    3    p1 
(i) the angle between the directions of a and b,

(ii) the value of p for which b and c are perpendicular.

8. A curve has equation y x3 3x2 9x k, where k is a constant.

(i) Write down an expression for  dy/dx.

(ii) Find the x-coordinates of the two stationary points on the curve.

(iii) Hence ?nd the two values of k for which the curve has a stationary point on the x-axis.



The diagram shows a rectangle ABCD, where A is (3, 2) and B is (1, 6).

(i) Find the equation of BC.

Given that the equation of AC is y x 1, ?nd

(ii) the coordinates of C,

(iii) the perimeter of the rectangle ABCD.



The diagram shows the points A (1, 2) and B (4, 4) on the curve y  2x.  The line BC is the normal to the curve at B, and C lies on the x-axis. Lines AD and BE are perpendicular to the x-axis.

(i) Find the equation of the normal BC.

(ii) Find the area of the shaded region.

11 (i)  Express 2x2    8x    10 in the form a(x    b)2    c.

(ii) For the curve y    2x2    8x    10, state the least value of y and the corresponding value of x.

(iii) Find the set of values of x for which y    14. Given that f : x 2x2 8x 10 for the domain x k,

(iv) Find the least value of k for which f is one-one,

(v) Express f 1(x) in terms of x in this case.

Reference no: EM132346554

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