Reference no: EM132176741
Part -1:
Question 1: . Suppose
(a) f is continuous for x ≥ 0,
(b) f'(x) exists for x > 0,
(c) f(0) = 0,
(d) f' is monotonically increasing.
g(x) = f(x)/x (x > 0)
and prove that g is monotonically increasing.
Question 2. Suppose f' is continuous on [a, b] and ε> 0. Prove that there exists δ > 0 such that
|(f(t)- f(x))/(t-x) - f'(x)| < ε
Question 3. Suppose f is a real function on (-∞, ∞). Call x a fixed point of f if f(x) = x.
(a) If f is differentiable and f '(t) ≠ 1 for every real t, prove that f has at most one fixed point.
(b) Show that the function f defined by
f(t)= t + (1 + et)-1
has no fixed point, although 0 <f'(t) < 1 for all real t.
(c) However, if there is a constant A < 1 such that |f'(t)| ≤ A for all real t, prove that a fixed point x off exists, and that x = lim xn where xi is an arbitrary real number and
xn+1 = f(xn)
for n = 1, 2, 3, ... .
(d) Show that the process described in (c) can be visualized by the zig-zag path
(X1, x2) → (x2, x2) (x2 , x3) → (x3, x3) →(x3, x4) →
Question 4. Suppose f is twice differentiable on [a, b], f(a) < 0, f(b) > 0, f'(x) ≥ δ ≥ 0, and 0 ≤ f"(x) ≤ M for all x ∈ [a, b]. Let ξ be the unique point in (a, b) at which f(ξ) = 0.
Complete the details in the following outline of Newton's method for computing ξ.
(a) Choose x1 ∈ (ξ, b), and define (xn) by
Xn +1 = Xn - f(xn)/f'(xn)
Interpret this geometrically, in terms of a tangent to the graph off.
(b) Prove that xn+1 < xn and that
lim n→∞ xn = ξ.
(c) Use Taylor's theorem to show that
xn+1 - ξ = f''(tn)/2f'(xn)(xn - ξ)2n.
for some tn ∈ (ξ, xn).
(d) If A = M/2δ, deduce that
0 ≤ xn+1 - ξ ≤ –6 A -[,4(xt - O]2".
(Compare with Exercises 16 and 18, Chap. 3.)
(e) Show that Newton's method amounts to finding a fixed point of the function g defined by
g(x) = x - f(x)/f'(x).
How does g'(x) behave for x near ξ?
(f) Put f(x) = x1/3 on (-∞, ∞) and try Newton's method. What happens?
Part -2:
Question 1: Suppose f ≥ 0, f is continuous on [a, b], and a∫b f(x) dx = 0. Prove that f(x) = 0 for all x ∈ [a, b]. (Compare this with Exercise 1.)
Question 2: Define
f(x) = x∫x+1 sin(t2)dt.
(a) Prove that |f (x)| < 1/x if x > 0.
Hint: Put t2 = u and integrate by parts, to show that f(x) is equal to
cos (x2)/2x - cos [(x + 1)2]/2(x+1) - x2∫(x+1)2 cos u/4u3/2 du.
Replace cos u by -1.
(b) Prove that
2xf(x) = cos (x2) - cos [(x + 1)2] + r(x)
where |r(x) < c/x and c is a constant.
(c) Find the upper and lower limits of xf(x), as x → ∞.
(d) Does 0∫∞ sin (t2) dt converge?