Find the two lines intersect

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM131161831

Assignment 1:

Question 1

Evaluate each of the following expressions to get a whole number:

(a) 36

(b) 643/5

(c) 1252/5

(d) 2-3 (-2)6

(e) 272/3 x 815/4

(f) (64)5/6 ÷16-5/4

Question 2

Simplify each of the following expressions:

(a) 6t3 x t x 3t9 x 4t7

(b) 10a2b4 x a9 x a7b3 x 4b5

(c) s5/2(2s)5(4sy)2y3/2

(d) (5x2)3 ÷ (625x-8)1/4

(e) (2x3 )1/2/(4x)2 x (3x2)3/(8x)1/2

(f) (1/16x12)-3/4 ÷ (x6/27)1/3

Question 3

Simplify each of the following Logarithmic expressions, in some cases, to get a whole number:

(a) log7 (2401)

(b) log2 ((64) ÷16 )

(c) log3 (272/3 x 815/4 )

(d) log2 (32x3)

(e) log3 (272/3x3 )

(f) log(x3y) - 2log(x1/2) + log(1/ y)

Question 4

Solve each of the following equations for the prescribed variable(s):

(a) x4 = 65x - x

(b) 54x+125x+3 = 1252x+5

(c) log3y + 2log3(9y) = 4

(d) 4x = 1024

(e) 252x+4 = 15

(f) 5a + 3/2a -10 = 4

(g) 2n +1/4n - 3 = n - 7/ 2n + 5

(h) Solve the following two equations and hence find where the two lines intersect:

4x - 6 y = 5
3x + 5 y = 8

Question 5

Solve each of the below equations, or show that there is no solution:

(a) 10x2 + 20x -150 = 0

(b) 9x2 -12x = -4

(c) 6x + 5 = √(36x2 + 25)

(d) 4x2 - 7x +15 = 0

(e) Factorise the quadratic in part (a) and (b).

Question 6

Differentiate the following functions with respect to x:

(a) f (x) = 5x6 - 3x4 +10x - 4

(b) g(x) = 5x3/7 + 4x6/5

(c) h(x) = 6x3√x

(d) q(x) = 6/x3

(e) p(x) = √1/x5

Question 7

Find the value of the following derivatives if f (3) = 6, f'(3) = 13, g(3) = 7, g'(3) = 5, f '(7) = 8 and g'(6) = 10 :

(a) h'(3) when h(x) = f (x)g(x)

(b) q'(3) when q(x) = f (x)/g(x)

(c) p'(3) when p(x) = f (g(x))

(d) s'(3) when s(x) = g( f (x))

Question 8

Use the appropriate rule (Chain, Product or Quotient) to differentiate the following expressions with respect to x:

(a) 6(4x3 + 3)4

(b) 3√x3 + 10

(c) 5(x - 4)(x2 + 5)3

(d) 3t + 1/5t + 2

(e) 2x2 + 6x + 5/√(x+1)

Question 9

Consider Q to be the number of laptops sold which depends on their price P in dollars, so we write Q = f(P):

(a) What does f (1100) = 2250 mean?

(b) What does f '(1100) = -250 mean?

(c) If the total revenue, R, is given by R = PQ , calculate dR/dp.

(d) Calculate dR/dP for a laptop price of P = $1100.

(e) Would the total revenue increase or decrease if the price was increased to $1101?

Question 10

Find the normal and tangent lines to the following functions at the given point:

(a) f (x) = 5x6 - 3x4 +10x - 4 when x = 2

(b) 5(x - 4)(x2 + 5)3 when x = -1

(c) 2x2 + 6x + 5/√x+1 when x = 3

Verified Expert

This is an assignment about mathematics about 53 problems are there some of are algebra and others are from calculus. In algebra part it covers exponential solution, logarithmic solution and quadratic solution.where all formulas are used and specifying them clearly.

Reference no: EM131161831

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