Find the total number of products sold for each product

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13930399

Use only one SQL statement for each task. Submit the SQL statement(s) that you would use to accomplish each task.

1.Find all employees whose name starts with either an S, s, A, a, T, or t. List all information about each employee in the output.

(Though our table does not contain lower cases, your SQL should work even if there were lower cases.) You must use either

LOWER or UPPER function.

2.Find all orders not placed during the first quarter (Jan-Mar). (Use to_char or like.)

3.Find the total number of products sold for each product.

4.Find the average order dollar total amount across all orders.

5.What is the average sale price (acutalprice in item table) for all products with 'ACE' in their descriptions.

You should return one number as the answer.

Reference no: EM13930399

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