Find the total dollar value for all orders from london

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM132326181

Remember --- need both the SQL and the output to get any marks.

Question 1
Issue SET PAGESIZE 200 at beginning of your session.
Display the (1) customer number, (2) customer name and (3) country cede for all the customers that are in the Belgium. The country code for Belgium is BE.
Please note that the user is to enter the 2 character country code AND that they can enter it as BE, be, bE and other combinations. Your SQL must allow for various user inputs of the code. They are not entering the country name.

For any customers that are called GO Outlets list the (1) customer number, (2) customer name and (3) order number if they ordered any of these products -- 40303, 40300, 40310, 40301, 40306. Put result in customer number order.

List the customer number, customer name and order number for customers that ordered products any of these 3 products 40310, 40303 and 60101. Only show customers with customer number more than 1140 Put result in order number with lowest first to highest order number.

Display all orders for United Kingdom. The word entered is United Kingdom and not UK.
Show only cities that start with L.
Display the (1) customer number, (2) customer name, (3) order number, (4) product name (5) the total dollars for that line on the order. Give that last column the name of SALES
Put the output into customer number order from highest to lowest.
Display only customer numbers less than 1000

DO NOT USE ALIAS NAMES for columns - remember need to show SQL and output to get any marks
Find the total dollar value for all orders from London. Each row will show (1) customer name; (2) order number and (3) total dollars for that order. Sort by highest total first

For all orders in the orders table supply order date and count of the number of orders on that date. Only include those in the year 2015 and have more than 1 order on that date.

Mr. King, the top person in the company, would like to see all orders in 2014 from United Kingdom and Canada. Show the (1) customer number, (2)customer name and (3)country name

The President wants to know out of the 150 to 155 customers that are on file, how many customers have not placed an order?

Show what customers ((1) number and (2) name) along with the (3) country name for all customers that are in the same countries as the Supra customers. Limit the list to any customer that starts with the letters A or B.

Verified Expert

This was an online assignment in which database of the customers and the organization was used and solution to various questions was provided using the oracle tool.There were 100s of customers and we retrieved data of various customers using the select statements and joins of various tables.The output was displayed with each and every question.

Reference no: EM132326181

Questions Cloud

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Find the total dollar value for all orders from london : Find the total dollar value for all orders from London. Each row will show (1) customer name; (2) order number and (3) total dollars for that order
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6/21/2019 11:33:00 PM

these are 13 questions for subqueries i can send you the database login details i have to learn the info in the assignment for a midterm next week anyways... but right now i am working on a linux assignment and am running out of time i am looking for a big break while i am rushing to try to figure out why my nested virtual machine cannot ping outside

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