Find the sum of all credits that history major have

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM13993850


1. Find the most classes taken by students

2. Change the department of the facility who teach math

3. Change the department of the facility who teach math course to MCS

4. Find names of students who enrolled in all courses

5. Find the students by student ID who have taken the most class (counted by enrolled students) and not counting where an ‘F' was the grade.

6. Find the facility by facility id who teach math class (class that have math in their name)

7. Change the major of all students who are math majors and have taken math course from Byrne to MCS.

8. Display the student's ID for all students enrolled in math course by Byrne.

9. Find all students by student ID enrolled in math course taught by Byrne.

10. Change the major of all students who are math majors to MCS.

11. Add three credit to credit earned by students who have taken the most course.

12. Insert a new facility record with id of F330, name jones, department of CSC and rank of instructor.

13. Erase all enrollment records for jane rivers

14. Find the names of all students by first name and last name are not enrolled in CSC201A

15. Find all courses in which fewer than three students are enrolled

16. Find the sum of all credits that history major have

17. Find the number of departments that have facility in them.

18. For each major, find the sum of all the credits that students with that major have.

FIGURE 5.4 The University Database


stuId lastName firstName major credits

$1,001 Smith Tom History 90

S1002 Chin Ann Math 36

$1,005 Lee Perry History 3

S1010 Burns Edward Art 63

$1,013 McCarthy Owen Math 0

51015 Jones Mary Math 42

S1020 Rivera Jane CSC 15


facld name department rank

F101 Adams Art Professor

F105 Tanaka CSC Instructor

F110 Byrne Math Assistant

1115 Smith History Associate

F221 Smith CSC Professor

Class Enroll
classNumber  facld  schedule  room stuld  classNumber  grade
ART103A F101 MWF9 H221 51001 AR1IO3A A
CSC201A F105 TuTh110 M110 $1,001 HST205A C
CSC203A F105 MThF12 11110 S1002 ARTIO3A D
HST205A F115 MWF11 H221 S1002 CSC201A F
MTHIOIB F110 MTuTh9 H225 S1002 MTM103C B
MTHIO3C F110 MWF11 H225 S1010 ART103A


S1020 CSC201A B

S1020 MTH101B A

Verified Expert

This assignment illustrates the concepts of SQL. Several Queries involving the concepts of insertion, selection and updating of tables are explained in the solution for this task.

Reference no: EM13993850

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