Find the steady-state of the economic system

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131201352

ECON 4001 Assignment-

Q1: Consider the following system of differential equations:

x = x + y + t                                                                                                        (1)

y = - x + 2y                                                                                                         (2)

Find the complete solution to the system of differential equations.

Q2: Consider the following system of differential equations:

x = 2x - x2 - y + 2                                                                                                (3)

y = x - y                                                                                                               (4)

(a) Find all steady-states of this system of equations. For each of them determine if it is locally stable, unstable or a saddle point.

(b) Draw a phase diagram in the y - x space with y on the vertical axis and x on the horizontal axis. Draw the phase diagram for the system in the first quadrant, that is for x > 0 and y > 0. Clearly explain how you obtain the x = 0 curve and the y = 0 curve. Justify the slope, rate of change of the slope, etc...Separate the phase diagram in (4) different zones and explain using arrows how x and y move in each zone. Justify the direction of the arrows. Identify the paths and explain if they converge to the steady-state or not. Draw possible trajectories to the steady-state if is stable or away from the steady-state if it unstable.

Q3: We have the following model of market equilibrium:

p = α(qD - qS)                                                                                                       (5)

N = γ (p - c-)                                                                                                         (6)

where N is the number of firms in the industry and where:

qD = A + Bp                                                                                                            (7)

qS = (F + Gp)N                                                                                                        (8)

Assume that b < 0; α > 0; γ > 0; F > 0;G > 0; c- > 0:

(a) Find the steady-state of the economic system.

(b) Examine the stability of the economic system. Hint: proceed as follows. Linearize the nonlinear equations around the steady-state and determine if the steady-state is stable.

(c) Examine how very small or very large values of could affect the stability of market equilibrium. Explain why.

Q4: Consider the following system of differential equations:

y1 = 2y1 + y2/2 - 10                                                                                             (9)

y2 = 7y1/2 - y2 + 8                                                                                               (10)

(a) Solve the homogeneous system of differential equations.

(b) Find the steady-state.

(c) Find the complete solution.

(d) Is the steady-state stable? Justify your answer. If it is a saddle point, find the equation of the saddle path.

(e) If y1(0) = 1 for what value of y2(0) will the economic system converge to the steady-state?

(e) Draw a phase diagram in the y2 - y1 space with y2 on the vertical axis and y1 on the horizontal axis. Clearly explain how you obtain the y1 = 0 curve and the y2 = 0 curve. Justify the slope, rate of change of the slope, etc...Separate the phase diagram in (4) different zones and explain using arrows how y1 and y2 move in each zone. Justify the direction of the arrows. If applicable identify the saddle path.

Reference no: EM131201352

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