Find the standard deviation in the given problem

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM13960873

Can you please explain the easiest way to find a mean, or standard of deviations for the problems provided.

1. Using the information in the table on home sale prices in the city of Orlando for the month June, find the mean for the grouped data.

Sale Price

(thousands of dollars)  Frequency
80.0-110.9                       2
111.0-141.9                     5
142.0-172.9                     7
173.0-203.9                     10
204.0-234.9                     3
235.0-265.9                     1

a) 172.95

Find the standard deviation.

45, 64, 86, 77, 37, 20, 82, 59, 66,

Fine the mode or modes.

7.03, 7.41, 7.56, 7.03, 7.88, 7.99, 7.62

Reference no: EM13960873

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