Find the square of the distance from the source

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM131565409

Question: Solve the given problems.

The illuminance from a point source of light varies directly as the cosine of the angle of incidence (measured from the perpendicular) and inversely as the square of the distance from the source. How high above the center of a circle of radius 10.0 in. should a light be placed so that illuminance at the circumference will be a maximum? See Fig.


Reference no: EM131565409

Questions Cloud

How fast is the angle of elevation of the balloon : A balloon leaves the ground 250 ft from an observer and rises at the rate of 5.0 ft/s. How fast is the angle of elevation of the balloon increasing after 8.0 s?
Review the case related to football : A football is thrown horizontally (very little arc) at 56 ft/s parallel to the sideline. A TV camera is 92 ft from the path of the football.
Find dimensions of largest rectangular passage area : An architect designs an arch of height y (in m) over a walkway by the curve of the equation y = 3.00e-0.500x2.
How angle of elevation of jet from the control tower change : A jet is flying at 880 ft/s directly away from the control tower of an airport. If the jet is at a constant altitude of 6800 ft.
Find the square of the distance from the source : The illuminance from a point source of light varies directly as the cosine of the angle of incidence (measured from the perpendicular).
What shape will require the least amount of material : A Y-shaped metal bracket is to be made such that its height is 10.0 cm and its width across the top is 6.00 cm.
Sketch a graph of the cross-sectional area a : A gutter is to be made from a sheet of metal 12 in. wide by turning up strips of width 4 in. along each side to make equal angles ? with the vertical.
What is the maximum displacement : The displacement y(in cm) of a weight on a spring in water is given by y = 3.0te-0.20t, where t is the time (in s). What is the maximum displacement?
What is maximum possible volume resulting filter can hold : A conical filter is made from a circular piece of wire mesh of radius 24.0 cm by cutting out a sector with central angle ? and then taping the cut edges.


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