Find the power-flow solution using fsolve in Matlab

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Reference no: EM132154100

Project - Consider the following power system.


Use j0.1 as the transmission line impedance for the three lines between Buses 1 and 4, 2 and 4, and 3 and 5 respectively.

Suppose the following are specified:

PG2 = 0.6, V2 = 1.05, PG3 = 1.0, V3 = 1.06

PL2 = 0.2, PL3 = 0.3, PL4 = 0.8, PL5 = 0.8

QL2 = 0.1, QL3 = 0.1, QL4 = 0.2, QL5 = 0.2

a) Classify the bus types and write out the power-flow equations.

b) Find the power-flow solution using "fsolve" in Matlab.

c) Compute the DC power-flow solution.

d) Starting from the DC power-flow solution, implement the Newton-Algorithm till all the power mismatch errors are smaller than 0.001 pu. How many iterations does it take to reach convergence?

e) Starting from the DC power-flow solution, implement the fast decoupled power-flow algorithm until all the power mismatches are smaller than 0.001 pu. How many iterations does it take to reach the convergence?

f) Repeat parts c, d and e, when each of the loads specified, PL2 through PL5, and QL2 through QL5, become twice the values stated above. Comment on your results.

g) Repeat parts c, d and e, when each of the loads specified, PL2 through PL5, and QL2 through QL5, become half of the values stated above. Comment on your results.

Reference no: EM132154100

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10/30/2018 12:00:17 AM

Rules: No discussion of any sort with any other student. And, you cannot reuse Matlab programs from the previous years. In case of questions, please see the instructor. If the rules are not followed in the take home exam, that will lead to a Fail grade in the course.

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