Find the order number and order date for every order

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132092260

The Relational Model: Advance Topics

In the following exercises use the data in the TAL Distributors database shown in Figure 2-1 in Chapter 2.

1. Find the order number and order date for every order that contains part number XX34

2. Find the order number and order date from every order that includes an item located in storehouse number 2.

3. SAME AS #2 but use nested queries.

4. Use INTERSECT. List customer number, customer name for every customer who is either represented by sales rep number 15 or who currently has orders on file (CustomerNUM in ORDERS).

5. Use MINUS. List customer number, customer name for every customer who is either represented by sales rep number 15 or who does not have orders currently on file.

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Reference no: EM132092260

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