Find the optimal control and optimal states

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131729792

Exam - Optimal Control

1. Find the external of the functional

J = 12 x·2(t)/2t3 dt

With x(1) = 1 And x(2) = 10.

2. Find the Optimal control, optimal states, and optimal co-states for the problem:

minu J = ½ 05 u2(t)dt

s.t. x··(t) = u(t)

x(0) = 2, x(5) = 0, x·(0) = 2, x·(5) = 0

u is unconstrained.

3. Given

x·1 = x2

2 = -Ω2x1 + u   Ω > 0, constant

y = x1

If u(t) = 1  t > 0, x1(0) = 0, x2(0) = 1

Find y(t), t > 0.

4. minx,y J(x, y) = xy

s.t. 4x2 + y2 = 4


Mint_f J = 0t_f dt

x··(t) = u(t)

x(0) = x0, x·(0) = v0

x(tf) = x·(tf) = 0


|u| ≤ 1

(a) Derive A formula for tf as a function of x0 and v0.

(b) Write a matlab script that outputs

x1''(t) vs t

x2'' (t) vs t

u'' (t) vs t

When the input is the initial state X0, v0.

Turn in plots for the case x0 = 10 And v0 = 10 And demonstrate that your simulation works.

For various other initial conditions.

Hint: Show that the switching curve can be written as sw = x1 + ½ x2|x2|.

Reference no: EM131729792

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