Find the number of years n for the homeowner

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13236029

A homeowner pays $18,000 for a 3.0 kWpeak solar photovoltaic system. They get a one-time upfront $2 per Wpeak utility rebate  immediately. After the first year, they get a 30% federal tax credit on their after-rebate net cost. After 10 years they have to replace the inverter, costing $1200 in year 10 dollars. Inflation averages 3% throughout the life of the PV system.
a. The net present worth, P, of the homeowner's net capital investment

b. The annual savings, A, if their local utility electric rates are 10.66 ¢/kWh for the 4 summer months and 7.53 ¢/kWh the rest of the year. And the NREL PV Watts tool estimates their PV system will produce 1528kWh in the 4 summer months, and a total of 4041 kWh annually.

c. The number of years, N, for the homeowner to breakeven.

d. A flat utility rate, R, required to breakeven in 20 years, if instead there were neither rebates nor tax credits.

e. The PV system capacity factor, CF

Reference no: EM13236029

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